Experience the Magical Thrill of the Earnslaw Burn Heli Hike Adventure in Queenstown 2024

Experience the Magical Thrill of the Earnslaw Burn Heli Hike Adventure in Queenstown 2024

Ready to embark on an epic journey? Let’s talk about the Earnslaw Burn Heli Hike in Queenstown, New Zealand! It’s not your average walk in the park. This is the real deal – a thrilling adventure that’ll make your heart race and your jaw drop!

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What is the Earnslaw Burn Heli Hike Experience?

This isn’t your average hike. It’s a mix of flying and walking that’ll blow your mind! You’ll see places most people only dream of visiting. Let’s go for an adventure hiking trail.

What can you expect during the heli hike?

First, you’ll hop into a helicopter for an exhilarating flight over the Dart River. The views from up there are incredible! You’ll fly over mountains, forests, and glaciers. It’s like being in your own adventure movie!

Then, you’ll land and start hiking. You’ll walk through beautiful valleys and forests. There are streams to cross and rocks to climb. It’s nature’s own obstacle course!

How does the Earnslaw Burn differ from other hikes?

Earnslaw Burn heli hike is special because it’s hard to reach on foot. That’s why we use a helicopter! This means you get to see a hidden gem that most tourists miss.

What are the highlights of the Earnslaw Burn Heli Hike?

The star of the show is the Earnslaw Glacier. It’s like a giant frozen waterfall cascading down from the hanging glacier! In summer, it melts into dozens of real waterfalls. How cool is that?

You’ll also see towering cliffs, sparkling streams, and beautiful alpine meadows. It’s like stepping into a fairy tale!

Why Choose a Heli Hike in Queenstown?

Experience the Magical Thrill of the Earnslaw Burn Heli Hike Adventure in Queenstown 2024

Now you might be thinking, “Why take a helicopter? Can’t we just walk there?” Great question!

What makes an Earnslaw Burn heli hike unique?

Heli hikes are special for a few reasons:

  1. You save time. You get to see amazing places that would take days to reach on foot.
  2. The views from the helicopter are out of this world. It’s like being a bird for a day!
  3. You get to explore places in Fiordland that most people never see. It’s your own secret adventure!

Is it worth the cost of a heli flight?

Heli hikes aren’t cheap, that’s true. But think about what you’re getting. A helicopter ride, a guided hike, and views that’ll make your jaw drop. It’s not just a hike, it’s an adventure of a lifetime!

How does the Earnslaw Burn compare to other South Island hikes?

The South Island of New Zealand has lots of great hikes. But the Earnslaw Burn Heli Hike is in a league of its own.

Other hikes might have you trudging along well-worn paths. Here, you’re exploring untouched wilderness. It’s like being the first person to set foot in a magical land!

What Should You Bring for Your Earnslaw Burn Heli Adventure?

Alright, let’s talk about what to pack for the best-kept adventure of your life. You don’t need much, but what you bring is important.

What essentials are needed for a comfortable Earnslaw Burn heli hike?

Here’s your packing list:

  • Sturdy shoes or hiking boots
  • Warm clothes (it can get chilly up there!)
  • A waterproof jacket (just in case)
  • Sunglasses and sunscreen
  • A water bottle
  • Snacks
  • A camera (trust me, you’ll want one!)

Can you pack a picnic lunch for the hike?

Absolutely! In fact, it’s a great idea for packing things for Earnslaw burn Heli Hike. Imagine having lunch with that incredible glacier view. Talk about a meal with a view! Enjoy it while surrounded by New Zealand’s best-kept landscapes.

Just remember to pack light. There’s limited space in the helicopter. A small backpack with your lunch and essentials is perfect.

What Are the Best Times to Experience Earnslaw Burn?

Experience the Magical Thrill of the Earnslaw Burn Heli Hike Adventure in Queenstown 2024

The Earnslaw Burn Heli Hike is awesome year-round and is considered New Zealand’s best-kept secret. But each season has its own magic.

What is the best season for the Earnslaw Burn Heli Hike?

Summer (December to February) is the perfect time to visit Milford Sound and explore its beauty. The days are long and warm. The glacier melts into stunning waterfalls. It’s like nature’s own water park!

Fall (March to May): The trees turn gold and red. It’s like hiking through a painting!

Winter (June to August): Everything is covered in snow, creating a stunning contrast against the hanging glacier. It’s like stepping into a winter wonderland!

Spring (September to November): Flowers bloom and baby animals appear. It’s nature’s show time!

How does the weather affect the heli flight?

Weather is super important for heli hikes, especially due to weather conditions that can change rapidly. If it’s too windy or cloudy, the helicopter can’t fly. Safety first, always!

Don’t worry though. If your flight gets cancelled, you can usually reschedule. Or you might get to do an exciting ground-based activity in the stunning Mt Earnslaw Basin instead.

What to Know About the Earnslaw Glacier and Surroundings?

Let’s talk about the star of the show – the Earnslaw Glacier!

What is the significance of the Mt Earnslaw Glacier?

The Earnslaw Glacier is huge! It’s like a giant ice sculpture carved by nature. In winter, it’s a solid wall of ice. In summer, it melts into dozens of waterfalls. It’s always changing, always amazing!

The glacier is super important. It provides water for the valley below. It’s also home to unique plants and animals. It’s like a whole ecosystem on ice!

What can you see around the Earnslaw Basin?

The area around the glacier, known for its hanging glacier and cascading waterfalls, is called the Earnslaw Basin. It’s like a giant natural amphitheater. Here, you’ll see:

  • Alpine meadows full of colorful flowers
  • Crystal-clear streams
  • Mini-lakes called tarns
  • Native birds
  • Maybe even some shy mountain goats!

The basin is surrounded by towering cliffs. They’re like nature’s skyscrapers, reaching up to the sky. It’s a landscape that’ll make you feel small in the best possible way, surrounded by cascading waterfalls and towering peaks!

How to Prepare for a Heli Hike in Glenorchy?

Excited yet to explore the wonders of Fiordland? Great! This is the best way to experience the stunning landscapes of the South Island. Here’s what you need to do before your big day.

What should you do prior to departure?

  • Book your trip in advance. Heli hikes are popular and spots fill up fast!
  • Check the weather forecast. Remember, the flight might be cancelled if the weather’s bad.
  • Get a good night’s sleep the night before. You want to be full of energy for your adventure!
  • Eat a hearty breakfast. Hiking burns lots of energy, so fuel up!
  • Arrive at the meeting point on time for your guided heli hike adventure! The helicopter won’t wait if you’re late!

What are the cancellation policies for heliworks queenstown helicopters?

Most companies have flexible booking policies, allowing you to adjust your plans due to weather changes. If your flight gets cancelled due to bad weather, you can usually reschedule for another day. Or you might get to do an exciting ground-based activity instead.

Remember, a cancelled flight just means you get to build up more excitement for when you do go!

The Thrill of the Heli Ride

Now, let’s talk about the helicopter ride. For many, it’s the highlight of the whole trip!

As you lift off, you’ll feel a rush of excitement. The ground falls away and suddenly, you’re soaring! Look out the windows. You’ll see Queenstown and Lake Wakatipu getting smaller. Then, the mountains start to rise around you.

The pilot might do some turns to give you the best views. Hold on to your hat – it’s quite a ride, and you might encounter some thrilling turbulence at the pilot’s discretion!

Before you know it, you’ll be touching down in the Earnslaw Basin. Time to start your hike!

Walking in the Footsteps of Hobbits

Did you know parts of The Lord of the Rings were filmed here? As you hike, you might recognize some scenes from the movies. Your guide can point out exact spots where certain scenes were shot. It’s like being on a movie set, but better – because it’s all real!

Spotting Wildlife on Your Hike

Keep your eyes peeled as you hike. The mighty Earnslaw Burn is home to some cool creatures that thrive in Fiordland!

You might see kea, New Zealand’s cheeky mountain parrots. They’re super smart and love to investigate hikers’ backpacks!

If you’re lucky, you might spot a shy chamois or tahr. These mountain goats are amazing climbers. And don’t forget to look up. You might see falcons soaring overhead, along with breathtaking views of blue ice.

Capturing the Perfect Photo

The Earnslaw Burn Heli Hike is a photographer’s dream. Every turn of the trail offers a new, stunning view. Don’t worry if you’re not a pro photographer. The landscape is so beautiful, it’s hard to take a bad picture!

Try to capture the scale of the landscape, especially the mighty Earnslaw Burn and its hanging glacier. Stand next to a waterfall or a big rock to show how huge everything is. And don’t forget to hand your camera to someone else sometimes. You’ll want some pictures with you in them too, especially with the hanging glacier in the background!

The Physical Challenge at Earnslaw Burn Heli Hike

Now, let’s talk about the hike itself. It’s not super hard, but it’s not a walk in the park either. You’ll be walking on uneven ground. There might be some stream crossings or rocky areas to navigate through the tussock fields.

The altitude might make you feel a bit more out of breath than usual. But don’t worry – your guide will set a comfortable pace. Remember, it’s not a race. Take your time, enjoy the views, and listen to your body.

Learning from Your Guide

Your guide is like a walking encyclopedia of the area. They know all about the plants, animals, and history of the Earnslaw Burn heli hike. Don’t be shy – ask lots of questions! They love sharing their knowledge.

You might learn about Maori legends associated with the area. Or hear stories about early explorers and gold miners. Your guide can also help you spot things you might miss on your own. They know where to look for hidden waterfalls or rare plants.

The Return Journey through the Mt Earnslaw Basin is breathtaking.

As your hike comes to an end, it’s time for another helicopter ride. But don’t worry – the excitement isn’t over yet!

The return flight often takes a different route. You’ll get to see even more amazing scenery. As you fly back, take a moment to reflect on your day. Look at the landscape below and think about how you were just down there, exploring it all.

Before you know it, you’ll be back in Queenstown. But the memories of your Earnslaw Burn Heli Hike will stay with you forever!


So there you have it – the Earnslaw Burn Heli Hike in all its glory! It’s more than just a hike. It’s a full-on adventure that combines flying, hiking, and jaw-dropping scenery.

You’ll see places most people only dream of. You’ll challenge yourself physically and mentally. And you’ll come away with memories that’ll last a lifetime.

Sure, it might cost a bit more than your average hike. But can you really put a price on an experience like this?

So, what do you say? Ready to take on the Earnslaw Burn Heli Hike? Pack your bags, lace up your boots, and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime! Who knows – you might just discover your inner explorer along the way!

Remember, the greatest adventures often start with a single step… or in this case, a helicopter ride! So why wait to experience the beauty of Milford Sound? Your Earnslaw Burn adventure is calling. Will you answer?

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